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Unleash Your Bigger Butt


You will not get a bigger butt in a day, a week or a month. Any coach or professional
who promises you otherwise is either ignorant or lying.


How long will it take for you to develop a bigger butt?

- The length of time it will take depends on the effort you allocate to develop a bigger butt

- It depends on the intensity and the proper execution of the exercises.

- It depends on your genetic code and the regularity with which, you take the


- Above all else, it depends on CONSISTENT SELF-DISCIPLINE.


Consistency is the key. You must transform the disciplines into lifelong habits. You need three indispensable habits; in order to develop a bigger butt.

1) Consistent self-discipline

2) Exercise for 6days every week

3) Take nutritional supplements


What makes this program superior to all other programs?

- This program is scientifically accredited by the Medical Fitness Council.

- This program has been stripped of all useless information. Other programs are bloated with pointless info.

- This program shows you how to force yourself into action. There are two precommitment techniques to force yourself into action: the incantation and visualization techniques. No other program has them.

- The real gem in this program is not the mechanical execution of the exercises; rather the mental conditioning, which gives you the self-discipline to work through thick and thin.


Let’s get started. Shall we!

Chapter 1
Get Rid of Useless Information

Treat this program as your most cherished goldmine because that is exactly what it is.


Even though, the purpose of this unique program is to get you a bigger butt, the program will end up completely transforming your life into multiple degrees of awesomeness. You will get a bigger butt by implementing the techniques outlined in this program. No doubt about that. You will also end up with astronomical self-discipline.


In this program, you are never left with a vague idea of what is expected. We tell you
what to do, when to do it, how to do it and ABOVE ALL ELSE, how to make yourself do it!


I have sampled dozens of similar programs. Every single one of them has a common
Achilles heel _ too much information.



Excess information will only waste your time. Wrong or invalid information can actually harm you. This program is free of both defects.


I have included an entire section in this book called “useless information.” The purpose of including it is to make sure that you are equipped with the capacity to filter out such information and stick with the essentials.


Besides my military background, I have got three fitness degrees from the best
institutions in the country. I do not tell you this to boast; but rather to emphasize the
validity of my credentials. Going through these institutions have provided me with the right credentials to highlight the pointlessness of information overload.

If information were the determining factor of success, every economics professor would be a multi-millionaire.



If information were the determining factor of success, the president of the country would have been someone with a PhD in politics. 



If information were the determining factor in success, most of the bestselling novels would have been written by literature professors.

Information is not power. If you believe information is power; then, I have got a magic
bridge to the moon, which I would like to sell to you.



Power only comes from the application of right knowledge!

Of course, there is such a thing as wrong knowledge. The implementation of right
knowledge will produce the desired results. The implementation of wrong knowledge will not. It does not matter, how hard, you work. You will never get the desired results by performing wrong actions. You can train for 8hours per day and still end up with a flabby butt. You can go on a starvation diet and still end up fatter than a cow.



As a matter of fact, ignorance is better than wrong knowledge. Ignorance will leave you unchanged but wrong knowledge can get you hurt.


Contemplate the confidence of Iskra Lawrence? Isn’t she the quintessential definition of conceit?

Do you think Iskra Lawrence can tell the difference between a leptide and a peptide?


Do you think she can distinguish between subcutaneous fat and visceral fat? Do you think she can list the different characteristics of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and HDL (highdensity lipoprotein)?


The point is, you do not need all these useless information, in order to develop a bigger butt.

Do you doubt this?


Let me guess!


You are probably thinking, “but Iskra Lawrence is a world-class butt model with a huge bank account.” She can afford to hire a personal trainer, personal lifestyle coach and personal nutritionist. Therefore she does not need to possess the information herself. Instead, she can simply purchase the services of experts, who have the know-how.

Look at the multi-billionaire media mogul _ Oprah Winfrey, definitely one of the richest women in the world. Forbes magazine has occasionally named her the most powerful woman in the world, even more powerful than Chancellor Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton or Cleopatra.


Oprah can afford an entire team of personal trainers, personal nutritionists, personal
chefs, personal … YOU NAME IT! She can afford it.



Yet that woman has never been able to permanently keep off the fat. The best shapewear in the world cannot hide the glaring truth _ Oprah Winfrey is FAT!



She is among the ever-growing class of overweight Americans. Oprah Winfrey is not fat, due to lack of willpower. This woman didn’t rise from poverty and discrimination to become one of the richest women in world without an incredible amount of iron-clad self-discipline.

She doesn’t lack the desire to get in shape either. As a matter of fact, she runs a
magazine dedicated to giving women fitness advice. So, why is one of the richest and strongest willed women in the world, fat?


Oprah is fat because she applied the wrong information to begin with. We are going to go into details on the Oprah-Winfrey-tragedy in the chapter on nutrition.


But, right here and now, we are going to deal with an obvious doubt that may creep up in the mind of any logical thinker. With all the resources at Oprah’s disposal, surely getting the right information is guaranteed, right?




There is no guarantee; that, your money can buy you, right knowledge.

And we know that Oprah has wrong knowledge or failed to implement right knowledge.


We know this because she does not have the desired results.


She is fat.


The attainment
of the desired result is the only valid proof that you have been implementing right knowledge.



This is the name of the game!

Nothing else counts! All the fancy gimmicks in the world do not count. 

All the detailed lists and tables of diets, carbs, proteins, amino acids, cardio, abdominal exercises, etc counts for nothing.

Only the result counts. Do you have a bigger butt or not?

Chapter 2 
Getting Started!

This program is comprised of three steps.


Step 1: Develop consistent self-discipline. Start a journal. A journal is the same thing as a diary. If you already have a journal; then, congratulations, move to step 2.


If you do not have a journal; the very first thing you need to do is get one. Go over to
your local bookstore and buy a decent journal. Do not keep an online journal. Keep a
physical handwritten journal. Prolific record-keeping is a significant part of the program.



You have to fix a specific hour in the day to write in your journal. Generally, people make their journal entries in the morning while taking their coffee or in the night just before going to bed.


Record every significant event in your journal. Also record new thoughts and ideas.
Buy a scale. Weigh yourself everyday and record it. Measure your height and record it.


You only need to measure your height once. You won’t be growing taller anytime soon; unless, you are younger than twenty two. Each time you record your weight, use it to calculate your Body Mass Index.


BMI stands for body mass index. To get your BMI, divide your weight in kilograms by your height in metres. Then, divide the answer by your height again. The result is your BMI.

If you have any difficulties computing your BMI, just return to the e-book and click the link to download the BMI calculator app for iPhone or Android.


Ideally, your BMI should be within the range of 18.5 to 24.9.


You are underweight, if your BMI is less than 18.5. Please discontinue any further use of this program, if your BMI is less than 18.5. This program is not designed for you.


You are morbidly obese, if your BMI is higher than 30. Please discontinue any further use of this program, if your BMI is higher than 30. This program is not designed for you.


You are overweight, if your BMI is within the range of 25 to 29.9. A considerable portion of the first part of this program has been designed to get you to normal weight. Once you attain normal weight with a BMI within the range of 18.5 to 24.9, you will be effectively able to develop a bigger butt.


Your ideal BMI is the same thing as your target BMI. I am going to use the terms
interchangeably, depending on context. Keep your sights on your ideal BMI. It is your target. Later, you’ll see, why getting to your ideal BMI is both crucial and indispensable to develop a bigger butt.


For the next 30days, do not make any additional changes to your life. The only change required of you is to start keeping records of your thoughts, measurements and actions in your journal.


The entirety of step 1 consists of keeping a journal for 30days!

It is that simple! It is so simple that the urge to neglect it, is almost irresistible. This is the
reason why so many people fail. They underestimate the importance of self-monitoring.

Research conducted by Professor Roy Baumeister at Duke University has proven that
self-monitoring improves self-discipline.



Veltlox Systems Inc. is a corporation that
produces air-conditioning equipment. They granted Baumeister permission to conduct
his research in their office space.



Baumeister and his team proceeded to install mirrors across the cubicles, corridors and the water closet.



The presence of these mirrors significantly altered the behavior of employees. Employees sat up straighter. They took fewer coffee breaks. They engaged less in trivial banter. 



Overall, employee performance and productivity increased 3 folds. A similar experiment was conducted in the Swiss nuclear facility at Geneva.

This time, cameras were installed across the offices spaces and production lines. The results were even more outstanding. Productivity increased 5 folds.

After several years of research, Dr. Sven Anderson, one of the scientists working under
Professor Baumeister finally figured out the reason for this increase in productivity. In
the first experiment with mirrors, the performance of the employees increased because
they were comparing themselves to standards.



Each individual employee has a clear mental idea of the expected standard of performance. The presence of mirrors allowed the employee to see his actual performance; and thus, automatically compare the actual performance to the expected performance standard.

The reflection of the mirrors constantly reminded the employees that their performance was falling short of expectation. This reminder impelled the employee to strain more to attain the performance standard.


The magnitude of the effort to attain the performance standard is higher, if the employee
believes; that he is being monitored by a higher authority such as a supervisor.



This explains why performance increased 5 folds, when cameras were installed in the
workplace. Performance increased only 3 folds, when mirrors were installed in the



Cameras gave the employee the impression that he was being watched by
the supervisor. On the other hand, mirrors simply allowed the employee to monitor


By keeping records in your journal, you can expect a 3-fold increase in self-control. With
the assistance of a third party such as a fitness coach or trainer, you should expect a 5-
fold increase in self-control.

It does not matter whether we are dealing with fitness goals, career goals or financial
goals. Your success or failure will be determined, by the extent; to which, you are



Success does not come through a short burst of gigantic effort. Success

comes through the incremental accumulation of actions performed over a sustained

The tallest skyscraper in the world is built by laying one brick at a time. You will use the same procedure to develop a killer butt _ one step at a time. Do exactly as I tell you to do and YOU WILL GET THERE.


Open your journal with the statement “by recording my thoughts, measurements and actions, I am increasing my self-discipline.”


“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit.” Aristotle.


Building habits are probably the last thing you expected in a program designed to
increase your bum size. You probably expected a liturgy of the latest diet fads and a list
of the most effective squat exercises.


Little did you suspect that developing new habits would be the main foundation, on
which, increasing the size of your buttocks would be built. Creating keystone habits is
the real treasure in this program.

Everybody knows; that, the immortal formula for increasing buns size is good nutrition
and regular exercise; yet, very few people can actually implement this formula.

The problem has never really been a lack of knowledge; but rather, the lack of
consistent self-discipline to implement the knowledge. Knowing is not enough. You must


Ignorance is not the missing piece of the puzzle. These days, ignorance is not the
reason, why anyone is overweight.


Why do people fail to lose weight?


Why do people fail to get a flat stomach?


Why do people fail to get a ripped set of 6-pack abs?





Procrastination is the reason, people fail. 



It does not matter, what the fitness goal is: weight loss, flat stomach, 6-pack abs, bigger
backside, etc. Procrastination, not ignorance is the single overarching reason, why
people fail.

People know what to do, but do not do it.


They procrastinate: one diary entry at a time, one running session at a time and one resistance training session at a time.



Each instance of procrastination is rationalized.



People deceive themselves at each instance. 

They tell themselves; that, they will make up for it.



But, they never do. 

After a series of procrastinations, they give up and return to their old habits.


This is the stereotypical formula for failure. You know it. You have been there. Without
exception, everyone has procrastinated and fallen short of the ideal of iron-clad self-discipline.


Pay close attention and I’ll show you how to buck the trend.


We all have habits. I have them. You have them. 80% of your thoughts and actions are
repetitive. Your habits are as cyclical as the seasons.



You repeat a fixed set of activities every day. You sleep every day for a fixed number of hours and stay awake for a fixed number of hours. You sit in a certain way and walk in a certain way.

Your thoughts are the results of years of repetition. Your thoughts are of paramount

Every conscientious action begins with a thought. Every new habit will begin with the
creation of a new thought pattern. Later, I’ll show you how to control your thoughts.



“The highest possible stage in moral culture is when we recognize that we ought to control our thoughts.” Charles Darwin.


In every chapter, we shall delve further into the details of building keystone habits.

Your To-do List

At the end of each chapter, we are going to clearly list what you have to do.


1) Create a journal!

That’s all you are required to do for the next 30days. After 30days, recording entries in
your journal will become a habit. You are in the process of creating keystone habits that
will last a lifetime.


What is the purpose of a journal?


The purpose of your journal is to monitor yourself. It is the foundation, on which, you will build your self-discipline muscle.


Self-monitoring increases self-discipline.

Psychology undergraduates learn this in their third semester. You have learnt it in half
an hour. Any form of self-monitoring will increase self-discipline. If you have employees
under your supervision, install cameras in your office and you’ll notice that their job performance will increase.



The same trick will sub-consciously work on you. If you install mirrors in your house, your self-discipline will increase.


Install a camera in your house. The effect will be more pronounced, if you know that
someone with authority over you (such as a personal trainer, employer, teacher, etc) is
going to watch the video footage.

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