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       Rosacea is a skin condition that is marked by facial redness. The cheeks, the nose and the forehead are the most frequently affected body parts; however, flare-ups of redness could also develop on the neck, chest, ears, upper back and scalp.



See Pictures of Rosacea



       Rosacea is pretty common. It is more prevalent among fair-skinned people of Northwestern European descent. It is sometimes nicknamed “the curse of the Celts,” because it is extremely common among the Irish.



      Men and women are affected by this skin condition; however, it is three times more prevalent among women. Researchers point to the fluctuating hormonal cycles in women as the explanation for the difference in the rate of occurrence. Women are particularly vulnerable during menopause.

      Children and teenagers are affected; however, it is more common among people older than 30. Teenagers are more likely to have acne.

Signs and Symptoms of Rosacea

      The signs and symptoms depend on the rosaceatic subtype. There are four main subtypes: erythematotelangiectatic, papulopustular, phymatous and ocular flare-ups. Other less common subtypes include: conglobata and fulminans.



      Erythema is a symptom that is common to all subtypes. Erythema is the scientific name for redness. It is common for people to have the symptoms of more than one subtype at a time.

Subtype 1:

Facial Redness

(Scientific name: Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea)



The principal symptom is erythema (facial redness).



People affected by this subtype may also experience telangiectasias.



Telangiectasias is a condition, in which, blood vessels near the surface of the skin become widened or dilated.



This often creates a spidery network of red lines that run across the face.



The erythematotelangiectatic subtype mostly affects people with sensitive skin. If your skin is sensitive, the affected area is likely to become dry and flaky.

Subtype 2: Bumps and Pimples

(Scientific name: Papulopustular Rosacea)



      Pimples and red bumps are the predominant symptom in this subtype. These red bumps are called papules. Sometimes the affected area is covered with pus-filled pustules.



     This rosaceatic subtype is often confused with acne. Acne is more common among teenagers. Rosaceatic flares are more common among middle aged people.



     Acne bumps contain a yellowish, oily, quasi-solid fluid. You can recover from an acne eruption by squeezing the acne blackheads. You cannot recover from a rosaceatic flare by squeezing the rosaceatic bumps. 

Subtype 3: Skin Thickening (Scientific name: Phymatous Rosacea)



     The thickening is the skin is the most pronounced symptom. This subtype is closely associated with rhinophyma. Rhinophyma is the thickening and enlargement of the nose. Sometimes, irregularities called nodules develop on the affected area.



     Telangiectasias may also occur over the area of affected skin.



      The thickening of the skin may also occur on the chin (gnathophyma), the forehead (metophyma), the ears (otophyma) and the eyelids (blepharophyma). 

Subtype 4:

Eye Irritation

(Scientific name:

Ocular Rosacea)




The ocular subtype is characterized by watery, bloodshot eyes.




If you have this subtype, you’ll probably feel a foreign body sensation accompanied by itching and irritation around the eyelids.




During the infection, the eyes become more vulnerable to diseases.




Sometimes, styes and cysts are formed around the eyelids. 

Treatment of Rosacea

      Rosacea cannot be cured, but it can be treated. What is the difference between curing and treating a condition?



      After a cure, both the cause(s) and symptom(s) of the condition are eliminated. After treatment, only the symptom(s) are definitely eliminated.



     The first step in treating any condition consists of identifying the cause(s) of the condition and avoiding them or mitigating your exposure to the cause(s). The precise causes of rosaceatic flares are unknown. However, researchers have identified several factors that trigger the condition.



        Demodex mites are bacteria that live in the hair follicles of the skin. In large numbers, these bacteria play a causative role in the pathogenesis of rosaceatic eruptions. Topical antibiotics such as tetracycline, doxycycline and minocycline can reduce the quantity of demodex mites on your skin.

    Here is a non-exhaustive list of rosaceatic triggers: emotional stress, excessive exposure to sunlight, hot weather, anxiety, windy conditions, strenuous exercises, alcohol consumption, hot baths, cold weather, depression, spicy foods, humidity, indoor heat, certain cosmetics, certain medication, marinated meat and heated beverages.



    Trigger avoidance is a behavior modification technique. It is as straightforward as it sounds. All you have to do is avoid rosaceatic triggers.



    Keeping a journal can be very useful in tracking your efforts to mitigate your exposure to rosacetic triggers.



    Some people use sunscreen to reduce the impact of sunlight on their skin. Others wear hats with broad brims. 

Revitol Rosacea Cream

     The powerful revitol cream is the ultimate treatment for rosaceatic flares. The revitol formula has won several awards from the Council of Homeopathic Medicine for its outstanding track record of effectiveness and high safety standards.



The all-natural revitol formula contains anti-bacterial agents that kill the demodex mites on your skin.






The revitol formula contains anti-inflammatory ingredients.






The natural anti-inflammatory agents help fight telangiectasias by constricting the blood vessels near the surface of the skin.






Furthermore, the revitol formula is made from plant extracts that have unique oil-regulating properties.





They ensure that your skin maintains a protective film of oil against adverse environmental pathogens.

In addition, the revitol formula contains collagen boosters that help rejuvenate your skin and accelerate recovery. Order the clinically acclaimed revitol formula and quickly get rid of your rosacea.   

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