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Testosterone is the fuel that powers productivity. High achievers have high testosterone (T) levels.



The reverse is equally true. Losers have low serum T levels. It is impossible to be a winner, if your serum T levels are low. Only despair and gloom awaits men with low manhood hormone levels.



Unfortunately, this is precisely the fate of the Western man. The average Western man today has 15% less virility serum than his parent’s generation. Most guys today are soft, fragile wimps.

On July 02, 2013, the NERI (New England Research Institute) published the conclusions of a 20year long study on the average serum T levels of the Western male. The proven results confirmed the fact that, the average serum T levels of the Western man have drastically declined.

Causes of Falling

Testosterone Levels

Serum T levels naturally decline with age. The production of the manhood hormone peaks on average at the age of 25; then, it gradually decreases at the rate of 1% every year.



Age related decrease in serum T levels is perfectly normal and shouldn’t trigger any alarm. However, the Western man should be alarmed because in the East the manhood hormone production still peaks at the age of 30. Only 40years ago, the Western man use to experience peak production at the same age.

What is causing the abnormal decline of manhood hormone levels in the West?




The researchers do not know.




Their best theories lay the blame on obesity and the decline of smoking. Less accepted theories lay the blame on chemicals such as carbaryl and phthalates, used in pesticides.




Scientists go out of their way to avoid the single most prominent elephant in the room: FEMINISM.

Apparently, it is not politically correct to criticize feminism. Any criticism of feminism is equated to misogyny (hatred for women). What a silly notion!



The most dangerous feminist are men, not women. When you get falsely accused of rape or beaten up by an abusive wife, it is not female police officers that arrest and throw you in jail. The police officers are predominantly male.

The feminist politicians making the misandric laws are not largely female. They are predominantly men. The chauvinistic, feminist judges handing out unfair rulings in the family courts are mostly men.



It is not women, but men who are the most dangerous feminists.



Off course, Western women have played their part in emasculating the Western man. It is unfortunate that too many women have bought into the fairytale that, they could have their cake and eat it too.

In the natural, primal state of relationships, women are naturally attracted to masculinity. Women are attracted to tough, strong and ambitious men.




It has always been like that. It was good and natural; until, feminism raised its ugly head.




Thanks to feminism, women completely transform after marriage and demand that the man does the same.




The modern Western woman demands that, the man connects to his feminine side. Whatever the heck that means?

The man is supposed to have mind reading capabilities, but he is supposed to use his psychic powers, only when, she wants him to. You are damned, if you do. You are damned, if you don’t.




The man is supposed to share his feelings and ask for help. When the man does precisely what is demanded of him; the wife gradually loses respect for the man and despises him for it. You are damned, if you do. You are damned, if you don’t.




The man spends too much time at work. He is supposed to stay home and share the housework or hold her hand. When the man does precisely what is demanded of him; the wife throws a tantrum. You are damned, if you do. You are damned, if you don’t.

The confused and mixed messages echo from the left to the right hemisphere of the man’s brain; until, he transforms into a “not man” and “not woman.” He becomes a weird mixture of both. The wife looks at this new being she has created and is disgusted.



Then, comes the divorce.



If you thought your marriage was a bottomless pit of emasculation in the hands of an ungrateful matron, you are in for a rude awakening. In the family court, you will be skinned alive.

Your mind will stutter and freeze like a broken motor.





It will refuse to believe that the same sweet cupcake that brought you so much joy just a few years back; is now stopping at nothing, in her blind, unreasoning campaign to destroy you.





Half of your hard earned assets will go to her.





The assets you had before you got married are also included.





This is only the beginning. You still have to pay her monthly alimony (spousal support) payments.

Remember, she is getting alimony in addition to half your assets. They are two separate and distinct settlements.



The worse is still to come. If you have kids, better stay in good terms with her throughout the divorce settlement. If not, you won’t get to see your kids, irrespective of what the judge ordered.



In 92% of divorce cases, the ex-wife gets full custody of the kids. You see mate, you are fucked!



And now, you are an emasculated male.

Getting Your Balls Back

The number one testosterone killer should be obvious to you by now. Marriage is the slaughter house for testosterones. The worst thing a Western man can do for his mental and financial health is get married.



The worst thing he can do for his sex life is get married. Most guys marry in order to get access to regular sex only to discover that the sex suddenly dries up. Unmarried guys get laid way more often than married men.



The worst thing he can do for his physical health is get married. On average, married men die 6years before their wives.



Pay attention to the male feminist politicians. They are so afraid of free men that, they have codified laws which give full legal recognition to co-habitation arrangements as marriage. Before you invite cupcake to move into your house, make sure you know the laws of your state or country.



The number two testosterone killer is plain, old sloth and the love of mediocrity. How can you tell, if a guy lacks ambition? You can detect these chumps easily because they are suffering from the “just enough” outlook on everything.

You don’t want to be that guy. Guys who want “just enough” are bound to have low testosterone levels.




You want to be at the top of your game or striving to get to the top.




You have got exercise like an Olympian. Hit the gym at least 5days per week.




Do intermittent sessions of intense cardio.




If you are not out of breath, you are not intense. If your heart is not banging violently against your chest, you are not intense.

Do resistance training and weight lifting. Lifting is what real men do! Above all else, answer present on leg day.



Supplement your training with pro testosterone pills. They are the best natural boosters. Order the highly recommended testosterone pills now and get a phenomenal blast in energy.



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