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Stretch Mark Removal


Stretch marks are stripes that run across the soft parts of the skin. Initially, the hue of the stripes tends to be reddish or purplish.




Gradually, the stripes become whitish or silvery. In medical nomenclature, stretch lines are called striae or striae atrophicae or vergetures or stria distensae or lineae atrophicae or linea albicante or striae cutis distensae.




Stria distensae tends to occur on the parts of the body, where fat habitually accumulates. These body regions include: the tummy, thighs, hips, lower back, breasts and buttocks.

Stria distensae can be unsightly. They can ruin the otherwise uniform complexion of your skin.




The distasteful appearance presents a legitimate reason to get rid of linea albicante. From a medical perspective however, there is really no need to remove linea albicante. They do not present any health risk.

Stretch Mark Myths

In order to prescribe the right remedy, it is necessary to properly identify the condition. In order to do that, we shall walk you through all the possible misconceptions of linea albicante.




Myth: Linea albicante does not develop on thin people.




Fact: Striae atrophicae develops in both thin and overweight people; however, they are more prevalent in overweight people. 



Myth: Stria atrophicae only occurs in women.





Fact: Men can also develop stretch lines.





In men, three occasions can provoke linea albicante.





These occasions include: the rapid growth of puberty, the rapid muscle gain of bodybuilding and excessive weight gain.





Myth: Striae cannot be treated. 



            Fact: Striae distensae can be easily treated with effective methods such as fractional laser resurfacing, dermabrasion, topical creams and retinoids.




            Myth: Stria distensae is caused by pathogens.




            Fact: Nothing could be further from the truth. No pathogens are involved at any stage in the development of stria distensae.




            The cause of linea albicante could be genetic, hormonal, rapid growth or excessive weight gain.




            The genetic factor is particularly evident during pregnancy. Women with great genes go through pregnancy without developing the condition. This is the most spellbinding proof that pregnancy itself is not the cause of stretch stripes.

During pregnancy, there are two factors that could lead to the development of stria distensae: hormonal changes and the weight of the fetus.



During pregnancy, the bloodstream is awash with the hormone, hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). HCG weakens the walls of the veins.



This serves the purpose of facilitating the expansion of the abdomen, in order to accommodate the fetus. The side-effect of this action is that the dermis becomes more susceptible to inflammation.



In addition, during pregnancy, the fetus directly exerts pressure on the lower abdomen.



It is no coincidence that stria distensae mostly develops during the third semester. The fetus is heaviest in the third and final semester.   


Weight gain does the same thing that a heavy fetus does.




As a guy grows fatter, fat deposits gradually accumulate on his abdomen.




Over time, these fat deposits come to exert tremendous pressure on the lower abdomen.




As result the dermis tears. The dermis is the inner layer of the skin. 




The connective tissues that hold the skin in its proper place is found in the dermis. These connective tissues are built with collagen and elastin fibers. 

            To get rid of linea albicante, you have to get rid of the cause(s) of linea albicante. You cannot get rid of certain causes such as genetics, hormonal changes and pregnancy.




            However, you can definitely influence your weight. We live in strange times with twisted folks who seek to evade responsibility. These guys are busily peddling the idea, that overweight is a product of big bones.




            Granted, there are a few valid cases out there of people, who are genetically predisposed to accumulate fat. However, obesity is largely the product of lifestyle choices.




            People grow fat because they eat too much and exercise too little. It is that simple.




            If you are fat, here’s the ingredient you need: consistent self-discipline. Consistent self-discipline is what so many people lack.

Every body knows that; in order to lose weight, you have to eat well and exercise regularly. However, knowing the right thing to do and actually doing it, are worlds apart.  




While you are shaping up, use the powerful dermatology stretch marks cream.




The remarkable dermatology formula is comprised of natural ingredients. It can be safely used by pregnant women with zero risks of side-effects.




Dermatologists have discovered the exact combination of organic herbs that will stimulate the production of collagen in your dermis.




The action of collagen will give your skin its resilience and firmness. Order the highly recommended dermatology formula now and remove your stretch marks

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