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Best Vapor Cigarette

            The best vapor cigarette boils down to user taste and preference. Nonetheless, our sampling of scores of electronic cigarettes has driven us to some inevitable conclusions.



            Vape pens have the most attractive characteristics which appeal to the largest number of people. Vape pens are mid-sized e-cigs. They are larger than minis and smaller than mods.



            The size of vape pens is one of the main features that make them attractive. They are about the size of cigars. In addition, it has a long battery life. The batteries have a larger capacity and they are rechargeable.

            The vapor produced by vape pens is much intense and voluminous than that produced by minis. Many people enjoy the experience of having impressive volumes of vapor.



            Ego has asserted itself as the most popular brand of vape pens. Other brands include: EVOD, kGo, Halo, Vapor Fi, Volcano and Apollo. There are dozens of other brands in the market.



            One advantage of vape pens which cannot be overlooked is the reasonable pricing. The prices are generally fair given all the functionalities which vape pens offer.



            In the news, the attraction of e-cigs as a smoking cessation aid is often overplayed. Little attention is given to the relatively low prices of vapor cigarettes. 




            Prices are a major player in the attractiveness of e-cigs. People are tired of getting ripped off by traditional cigarette companies. Traditional cigarette companies have no respect for their customers.

Traditional tobacco companies see their customers as hostages.





These companies believe that their customers are permanently hooked; hence, they can levy any prices which they please and the customers would always pay up.





Back in the 1980s, a decent packet of cigarettes only costed $1.





Today, you’ll be hard pressed to get a decent packet for $5.





As if this is not enough, tobacco companies are still increasing their prices.




To be fair, some of the increases in price are due to inflation and taxation. Politicians see the tobacco industry as their reliable cash cow. 

           A huge chunk of state and federal budget comes from taxing tobacco companies.




            Off course, the only money that tobacco companies have, comes from their customers. Each time, the government taxes the tobacco companies, the companies simply pass over the costs to their customers.




            Politicians do not lack reasons to justify their punitive taxes. How do politicians justify the punitive tax burden on tobacco companies? They claim that the taxes are meant to pay for the egregious health damages caused by tobacco smoke.




            Electronic cigarettes do not contain carcinogens; hence, e-cigs rarely produce any health damages. Nonetheless, politicians are making up all kinds of reasons to tax electronic cigarettes.




            When taxes come, price hikes will follow. Over time, politicians will gradually increase the taxes on e-cigs and the prices of e-cigs will rise correspondingly.

Less Popular Categories of E-cigs

            Minis are the first generation of electronic cigarettes. They were made to replicate the exact look and feel of regular cigarettes. For this reason, they bear very close resemblance to regular cigarettes.



            They are sometimes called cigalikes. Cigalikes are recommended for light smokers or people who are trying out e-cigs for the first time. It is a very convenient way to get into vaping.



            Cigalikes can either be disposable or re-usable. The KR808 is the most popular rechargeable model. It is made up of two pieces. You can also get KR808 models that are made from 3pieces. 




            Currently, the most popular cigalike brands are V2 and Green Smoke. They offer the most natural transition for moderate smokers. People also love them because they are discreet and just as portable as regular cigarettes.



            APVs or mods are the latest generation of electronic cigarettes. They offer a laundry list of phenomenal functionalities. Some APVs have a digital display that gives you information such as the e-liquid remaining, battery life, density of nicotine etc.


Even though, APVs have dozens of cool functions, they are very conspicuous.





Some APVs are as large as police flashlights.





Furthermore, they can be very expensive.





In our conclusion, vape pens offer the best overall quality.




You should definitely try them.




Order our premium selection now and vape away. 

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