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Eczema Treatment

Eczema (atopic dermatitis) is a skin rash marked by discoloration, dryness and itching.




For most types of dermatitis, the discoloration is red. Seborrhoeic dermatitis is one of the few forms of this skin rash, in which, the discoloration is yellowish.




Atopic dermatitis can appear on any body part. In children, it is more likely to appear on the face, chin and cheeks. In severe cases, it can affect the entire body. 

            There are three levels of severity: mild, moderate and severe. The severity depends on several factors such as the surface area affected, degree of redness, the intensity of itchiness, etc.




            Sometimes, the itchiness might be so intense that you find yourself scratching until you bleed. Off course, bleeding aggravates the condition.




            The bleeding is the least of your problems. The broken skin makes you vulnerable to infections from staphylococcus aureus or the herpes simplex virus.

If infected, you’ll develop a more virulent form of dermatitis called Kaposi varicelliform eruption.




It is characterized by several umbilicated fluid-filled papules superimposed on the original dermatitis.










Scientists are still researching the cause of dermatitis. Some of the best theories that explain the occurrence of dermatitis point to genetics, the environment and the immune system.




Filaggrin is the most prominent gene associated with the eruption of dermatitis. Other genes associated with this skin condition include: OVOL1, ACTL9 and IL4-KIF3A.




You are more likely to develop the skin rash, if these genes are abundant in your family.




You are also vulnerable to dermatitis, if members of your family have either asthma or hay fever. 

If you have celiac disease, you are 3 times more likely to develop dermatitis. If a member of your family has celiac disease, you are 2 time more likely to develop dermatitis.




According to the hygiene hypothesis, failure to come into contact with immune system modulators increases your risk of developing dermatitis.




Immune system modulators are the pathogens that force your immune system to produce antibodies. Antibodies make sure that your immune system is ready to fight future pathogens.




The environmental causal component consists of triggers (allergens and irritants).




The most common triggers include: industrial chemicals, wet cement, latex gloves, certain detergents, house dust mites, pollen, pets, molds, dandruff and certain foods. 

Triggers vary from one individual to another.





Substances that trigger a flare up in one individual will not trigger it in another individual.





Some substances are not stand-alone triggers.




This means that they only trigger a flare up in the presence of another trigger.





For example, sunlight alone will not trigger phototoxic dermatitis; however, coming into contact with industrial chemicals in the presence of sunlight can trigger an outbreak. 

How to Treat Eczema

Preventing is better than curing. The easiest way to prevent an outbreak is to avoid coming into contact with triggers.




Before using prescription drugs, consider the following home care remedies.




Apply some honey on the affected area. Honey hydrates the skin and chokes the growth of bacteria. You can increase the effectiveness of honey by combining it with cinnamon powder.




Another way to administer honey is by combining it with lime juice. Squeeze some juice from half a lime fruit and mix it with honey. Apply the mixture on the affected area.

Yet another procedure involves mixing apple cider vinegar with honey. Apple cider vinegar is a powerful antiseptic. Its anti-microbial properties will help eliminate any pathogens on the affected area.




Coconut oil has proven effective in the treatment of a variety of skin rashes.




Coconut oil contains vitamin E, vitamin K, caprylic acid, capric acid and lauric acid. This unique mix of elements makes coconut oil a potent antioxidant with strong antimicrobial properties.




Coconut oil reduces itching and inflammation. It also helps to soothe and nourish the skin.




Fish oil has phenomenal skin health benefits. Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids that have nourishing and anti-inflammatory properties. Consider applying some fish oil on the affected area.

If all else fails, use the powerful revitol formula.



The revitol cream is the ultimate remedy for eczema.




The sensational revitol formula is an emollient that stimulates the rapid regeneration of health skin cells.




The revitol formula is safe and risk-free. It is made up of organic ingredients.



It can be safely used on babies as young as one month old.



The revitol formula will quickly restore your PH balance.



Order the highly recommended revitol formula now and get rid of eczema. 

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